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LETTER: Arts festival events coincided with Easter weekend

Timing of Ignite the Arts Festival resulted in scheduling conflicts for some
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Dear Editor:

After reading the article in the April 5 edition of the Penticton Western News, I must congratulate the organizers and participants of the Penticton Ignite the Arts Festival on what seems to have been such a successful event.

I am, however, concerned with the timing of this event as it coincided with Easter weekend, arguably the most sacred event in the Christian calendar, when the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is remembered and celebrated.

Among other things, I attended the community Easter Friday service at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre as well as my own church’s Easter Sunday service.

Had the arts event been held on some other weekend, I would have been keen to attend a number of the presentations and performances given, as, I am sure, would many others in the Christian community in Penticton.

Perhaps in the future, organizers of this event could find a more suitable weekend for this.

God bless you all.

Donald Ericson, Penticton