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Penticton JCI Valley Food Drive returns April 22

The drive supports the Harbour at Okanagan College this year
Over 1,300 pounds of food and $2,300 in cash were raised for those in need thanks to Penticton’s Junior Chamber International (JCI) and its fifth annual ValleyWide Food Drive in 2022. The ValleyWide Food Drive organizer, Stuart Knott, presented a $2,300 cheque to both Fill the Food Gap Penticton and the Purple Pantry outside Cherry Lane Mall. (Logan Lockhart, Western News)

The sixth annual Valley Food Drive returns on April 22 to Penticton.

The tents will be set up once more in the east parking lot of Cherry Lane Mall from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. for the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Penticton’s community food drive.

This year, JCI Penticton has selected the Harbour at Okanagan College as the beneficiary of the Valley Food Drive.

“We are thrilled to be organizing the Valley Food Drive once again and to have the opportunity to support the students that use the Harbour at Okanagan College” said Shay Duggan, Valley Food Drive organizer. “It’s important for us to come together as a community to support those who need it the most, and we encourage everyone to join us in making a difference.”

Thousands of pounds of food have been raised over previous years to support the community’s most in need.

READ MORE: Over 3,800 pounds raised by Penticton Junior Chamber International food drive

Donations of non-perishable food items and monetary contributions are both appreciated and a list of the following items are considered the most needed:

* Non-perishable pasta

* Pasta sauce

* Rice

* Canned fruits

* Canned vegetables

* Peanut butter

* Cereal

* Canned proteins

* Beans

* Soup

People hoping to get in touch with the event’s organizer before the start of the event for more information can do so by emailing .

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Brennan Phillips

About the Author: Brennan Phillips

Brennan was raised in the Okanagan and is thankful every day that he gets to live and work in one of the most beautiful places in Canada.
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