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South Okanagan United Way mobilizes community

South Okanagan United Way mobilizes community

The United Way of the Central and South Okanagan/Similkameen has announced new funding programs for regional charities.
Spooky seniors

Spooky seniors

Martha Lee Morrison laughs as she and other residents of Charles Manor in Penticton take part in Halloween fun.
Helping tradition and species at risk

Helping tradition and species at risk

Penticton Indian Band knowledge keeper leads tour of special land
Fair brings global handcrafts to the Okanagan

Fair brings global handcrafts to the Okanagan

The Global Villages Fair is celebrating a decade of bringing unique fair trade handcrafted items to Penticton.
Men's recovery centre hosting fundraising dinner

Men's recovery centre hosting fundraising dinner

Discovery House looking for community support to keep privately funded program in operation
Pumpkin gutting not for the squeamish

Pumpkin gutting not for the squeamish

Two members of the Remington family had their work cut out for them recently at the pumpkin-carving station.
Angels lift Penticton woman to concert

Angels lift Penticton woman to concert

Local companies help Loretta Lynn fan overcome medical challenges to get to concert
Multi-tasking skills put Milton into Penticton's Top 40

Multi-tasking skills put Milton into Penticton's Top 40

Kerri Milton, executive director of the Downtown Penticton Association is this week’s nominee to the Top 40 under 40.
Unique cycling team turns heads in Penticton

Unique cycling team turns heads in Penticton

Maritimers almost done cross-Canada trip to raise money for friend's favourite charities
Penticton salon embraces reducing waste

Penticton salon embraces reducing waste

Daisy Kapusta, has been a hair stylist for more than 30 years, and when a new recycling opportunity came along, she couldn’t resist.