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Birds signal the return of spring

The first rufous hummingbirds were reported in Oliver on April 12
Okanagan optician delivers eyeglasses to Cuba

Okanagan optician delivers eyeglasses to Cuba

Catherine Goheen able to navigate through government bureaucracy to provide needed help to Cuban people

Conference helps give girls a chance to shine

Cheers Church in Penticton hosting Shine Conference for girls aged nine to 16 this weekend
Westminster Aveneue owls a big draw

Westminster Aveneue owls a big draw

A large number of people have stopped by Westminster Avenue to see members of a Great Horned owl family sitting on the tree branches.
Penticton students impressed by European odyssey

Penticton students impressed by European odyssey

26 Pen High students take in the sights of France and Spain during spring break
Student artists celebrate year end

Student artists celebrate year end

Arts program students at the En'owkin Centre featured their skills during the special closing ceremonies earlier this week.

Summerland set for Earth Week celebrations

Activities begin Sunday with a square foot gardening workshop at Grasslands Nursery

Free chiropractic clinic offered for Penticton

Drop-in clinic will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday at Cheers Church on Main Street
Vees receive big bunny

Vees receive big bunny

The Penticton Vees received a large chocolate Easter bunny from the Re/Max Penticton Vees Kids Club for their record-setting win streak.

En'owkin Centre stages open house

The public is invited to celebrate the rich cultural event of the Okanagan Indian Educational Resources Society