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Sleigh riders enjoy local hills

Sleigh riders enjoy local hills

Kids of all ages got to enjoy some of winter's final frozen bounty after last week's snowfall.

Women in the spotlight

SOWINS Women Front and Centre Awards recognize the achievements of community’s female role models

MP Report — Election hangups

Albas calls for those responsible for Robo-calls to be prosecuted to fullest extent of law

Penticton Lions Club deals in charities

March 17 Texas Hold'em tournament will help support club's charitable work
Keep your eyes out

Keep your eyes out

The Reptile Guy is back at Cherry Lane Shopping Centre. Fear Factor Challenges take place at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Here's water in your eye

Here's water in your eye

Mother and daughter spend a fun moment in the community centre pool during a recent public opening.
Four year old sings national anthem

Four year old sings national anthem

This young singer who just turned four sung the national anthem for a crowd of over 2,000 at the Vees recent home game.
Singer shines at OK legion

Singer shines at OK legion

Singer Terri Bremner performs a song at the recent building fundraiser for the Okanagan Falls branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.

Penticton group stages youth writers camp

Penticton Writers and Publishers plan camp for July at Okanagan College
Triathlete joins health forum panel

Triathlete joins health forum panel

Okanagan Health Forum comes to Penticton’s Shatford Centre on March 1