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Ladies night out raises funds for SOWINS

Ladies looking for a fun night out with friends are invited to join Rouge Beauty Lounge and Le Cheap, C’est Chic Clothing Company on Jan. 27.

Ladies looking for a fun night out with friends are invited to join Rouge Beauty Lounge and Le Cheap, C’est Chic Clothing Company on Jan. 27.

Rouge Beauty Lounge together with Le Cheap, C’est Chic Clothing Company, is holding their first joint fundraiser event for the South Okanagan Women in Need Society.

On Jan. 27 at 6 p.m., Rouge Beauty Lounge, located 102-1070 Lakeshore Dr., will host an exclusive ladies night featuring wine from Strut vineyards and great food compliments of the Bufflehead Tapas Bar. The event will hold a raffle with great prizes including a grand prize of Toby Keith tickets. The country superstar will be performing at the South Okanagan Events Centre on Feb. 26. Canadian country star George Canyon and One More Girl are the opening acts.

The fundraiser will feature the latest beauty and fashion trends available for purchase, with 20 per cent of the sales proceeds also going to SOWINS.

Tickets are $20 which includes a glass of wine and food, and are available through Tania at Rouge Beauty Lounge. Tickets will be $25 at the door. A limited number of tickets are available.

Each year an estimated 1,100 women and children make use of the SOWINS Transition House and other programs to help them face domestic abuse. For more information, visit

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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