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Hodgkinson has two-pronged approach to downtown revitalization

City of Penticton: Hodgkinson, Tim — Council Candidate answers shares opinion on how the downtown revitalization process should proceed.
Tim Hodgkinson is running for a City of Penticton council seat.

The key is to adopt a two-pronged approach: 1) Aesthetics - Entice additional retailers to the area and start putting investment into creating a more aesthetically pleasing environment (store fronts, signage, etc). 2) Re-energize - We should create additional living space to facilitate a greater sense of community (or ‘village’ living) in the core area and push for later opening hours. More regular weekly/ daily activity’s such as evening markets and attractions will also serve to make the core more of a destination of choice.

These are proven models working successfully in similar communities and larger metropolitan landscapes where decay has caught hold.