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Math skills sharpened as Vernon School District deals with budget

Public invited to SD22 meeting going over financials for 2025-26 at Jan. 29 meeting
Budget deliberations are beginning for the Vernon School District.

Math class will come in handy for the public and school board trustees as they break down the budget for next year.

The board of education of School District 22 invites the public to attend a consultation meeting on the district's finances and budget for the 2025-26 school year Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 5:30 p.m. Meetings are streamed online via

Between the 21 schools in the district, there is a $140 million annual budget.

"We are committed to ensuring that our financial planning supports the educational needs of the students we serve and aligns with our strategic objectives," said Superintendent Karla Mitchell, who will begin the evening with an update on the district's future vision.

Following this, secretary treasurer Adrian Johnson will provide a detailed financial overview, explaining the sources of revenue and the allocation of funds for various programs and services.

"Transparency and community involvement are key to our budgeting process. We look forward to hearing from our community members and incorporating their feedback," said Johnson.

Board chair Kelli Sullivan, along with other trustees, will be present to hear feedback from the public.

"This consultation is an important opportunity for us to engage with our community and ensure that our budget reflects the values and priorities of our stakeholders," said Sullivan.

The presentation will conclude with a question, answer, and discussion session where the public can provide their input on the budget.

Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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