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Ask hunters for input

City council should research the hunting regulations before getting an itchy trigger finger.

My letter is in response to Finn Larsen’s letter “Comments miss the mark” in the Oct. 14 issue. I agree with Finn Larsen 100 per cent. City council should research the hunting regulations before getting an itchy trigger finger.

I too am an avid hunter like Mr. Larsen and I don’t need to say too much in response to his letter as he pretty much hit the nail on the head. We need to remember that we are living in these animals’ backyards.

Trying to cull the deer is like trying to win the war on drugs. For every deer you cull for coming within city limits there will be another and then another to replace it. We either have to accept these deer being here or we can shoot them all into extinction and then society will have something else to complain about.

I am not saying or denying that there is a problem with the deer because I know there is. All we are saying is to pick up a copy of the hunting regulations and read it thoroughly before making decisions for this big deer cull that they have planned.

All too often city council sits around making decisions without fully thinking things through and I don’t need to mention any in particular as your readers already know that. I will say one more thing though. Have they even asked any of us hunters if we are interested in culling the deer?

If we are not interested in council’s program then who will they get to do it for them? I’m not interested in culling deer. I get my two deer every hunting season as it is. They should be asking us hunters for advice instead of some bigwig in a cushy office in Victoria.

Gary Murray

