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Columnist needs history lesson

Gwynne Dyer, a man whom media has built up, writes articles and books that are a very powerful weapon in that they could easily be accepted as the truth with this venerable acknowledgement.

During the First World War, the British (Tavistock) learned that by manipulating information you could get 87 per cent of the population to accept it as truthful. This has become a well-perfected art that is used to determine people’s thinking, and form their opinions.

What Gwynne said about Israel, the Arabs and Islam clearly shows that he either is indifferent about history; doesn’t like true history; or is intentionally trying to form people’s opinions with his misinterpretation of facts.

History and facts of the Middle East paint a different picture than what the views of journalists form in our minds. In the 1700s Britain supplied weapons from their India colony to certain Wahhabis Muslim tribes near the Mecca area to destabilize the ruling Ottomans. After the Turks lost their empire because of poor choices of bedfellows during the First World War, the British and the French raced to get the Middle East. The French got the north while the British the south and Egypt. Britain then, for the first time since one Roman ruler 2,000 years previous called the area of Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and Jordan ‘Palestine’.

Before that the people living there were thought of as Arabs (because they spoke Arabic) or Jews. They got along. Britain, with the usurping French, formed countries because of their nefarious allies. Saudi Arabia was formed and given to one Wahhabis Muslim ally, the Ibn Sauds. Not to leave the Hashemite Husseins empty handed, Britain formed Trans Jordan and installed one of their sons as king. The French formed a country in the north and called it Mesopotamia; another Roman name, and put another of the Hussein sons in charge of it. Name later changed to Iraq.

My hope in writing this is to encourage you to be earnest to know the truth, and look into history yourselves. Don’t believe what you hear, read, see or even believe me without studying first what really happened.


I’ve been privileged to live in Israel, the West Bank and Turkey, making good friends with Jews, Bedouins, Arabs, Druze and Turks. I learned a lot living with them, and that’s why I get so angry when I read misinformation.


Terry Magnus

