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Letter: Halloween is an instituted religious celebration

It is amazing to me how people, in general, get so caught up by commercialism

I looked up what Halloween represents and it is the eve before All Saints day, an instituted religious celebration, similar to Easter and Christmas – instituted religious Roman [Catholic] holidays. Each of these holidays has a focus in the commercial world to make money selling candy, gifts or whatever.

The opposite end of this spectrum is the celebration of biblical holidays or referred to in scripture as Appointed Times. These holidays have no commercial value as they are days of complete rest as described in the book of Leviticus chapter 23.

According to scripture, the sun, moon and the stars were set in the heavens for signs and Appointed Times. However, before these lights were set in the sky, on the first day of creation there was darkness and Elohim spoke light into being and separated the light from the darkness. When one studies the scriptures, you find this light is a representation of perfect love which casts out all fear.

It is amazing to me how people, in general, get so caught up by commercialism and lose sight of the true light, who desires us to have true rest.

Art Isted
