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Letter: Hold drivers, cyclists and pedestrians accountable

Maybe it is time to photograph and report those who ignore or flout safety and courtesy?
Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Do only some people see the whole picture, whereas others have an “anti-” agenda against cyclists?

Let’s get real. Selfishness is the problem ultimately. Selfish automobile drivers speed, run yellow or red lights and drive recklessly around pedestrians and cyclists.

There are selfish pedestrians who jaywalk or hog the whole sidewalk while walking two, or more, side-by-side. Some hog the sidewalk with large strollers.

Cyclists? Yes, there are selfish cyclists too, such as those who race out of Safeway’s back lane and across the street without stopping or yielding.

Some cyclists hog or misuse the sidewalk, speed by pedestrians or other cyclists, some disobey the rule about travelling with the flow of traffic, not against it.

Courtesy is the responsibility of all properly raised children and adults, so why are there so many discourteous drivers, pedestrians and cyclists?

Were they all raised by wolves? Apologies to true wolves who cannot even speak, never mind drive.

As a former driver and current pedestrian and cyclist, I say that it is time to stop pointing fingers through letters to the editor and, if necessary, holding accountable those whom “spit” at the rules of courtesy whether they are pedestrians, cyclists, or especially dangerous and selfish drivers.

Maybe it is time to photograph and report drivers, cyclists and pedestrians via the police, ICBC and social media who ignore or flout safety and courtesy?

Patrick Longworth
