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LETTERS: What’s an opinion?

There have been many letters submitted by locals (me included) that would seem to shoot messengers and not the messages.

Over the last while, there have been many letters submitted by locals (me included) that would seem to shoot messengers and not the messages.  Many letters submitted seem to be more personally directed than issue directed.  Let’s see why this is.

To understand the reality, we have to arrive at a simple definition of the word opinion. The dictionary simply says, “opinion is a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.” Other words that are replacement words for opinion are: assumption, attitude, conclusion, notion, sentiment, viewpoint, fancy, persuasion, say-so, slant, take and think, to name but a few.

We have always been led to believe that each of us is entitled to an opinion. Doesn’t matter as to whether or not others think that it is a wrong opinion, we are entitled to it. Is there somewhere that this is etched in stone? Opinions are like mouths, everybody has one. It just depends on what comes out of these mouths.

Nowhere is the word opinion more in use than when it comes to politics. It seems that everyone that is not elected and some of those that have been elected, have all the solutions to all of the political problems faced by governments at the local level; the provincial level; the national and international levels as well. There isn’t anyone that I have ever come across that doesn’t have a fix for some political problem. Opinions (including mine) given are just that, opinions!

If we tried to run a business, cultural program, sports program, educational program or scientific program, just think of how much more of a mess that we would be in than what we are in now. It reminds me of the kitchen with three different chefs trying to prepare the same dish. It would be bedlam.

Overall, opinion is not a bad thing. Without opinion, we might not enjoy the many achievements made in technology, science, life skills, trade skills, industrial accomplishments, manufacturing and so on. Opinion, at some time, at some place, played a part in reaching goals in these areas.

I guess the moral of this is that, if we stop having opinions, we stagnate or spin our tires in one place.

All opinions are not necessarily bad, It is just the fact that some are better than others. At least, that’s my opinion.

Ron Barillaro
