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Pedestrians in peril

What has to happen before someone sits up and takes notice of the death trap at the bottom of Pineview Hill?

What has to happen before someone sits up and takes notice of the death trap at the bottom of Pineview Hill?

I cannot count the number of times I have been sitting in my car on South Main Street, my signal on, waiting to turn left up Pineview, when some impatient person has deked around me on the right to pass, and almost hit a pedestrian who was crossing on the crosswalk in front of me.  There have been more heart-stopping moments than I can count.

Last winter it actually happened: I saw a small, elderly gentleman get hit by a car doing this very thing.  He flew through the air, his shoes going in various directions.

He was knocked unconscious and some of us sat with him for what seemed like an eternity as he lay there on the road, bleeding from the head.  I left as soon as the emergency responders arrived, but I don’t think he made it because the area was taped off long into the night.

Can someone please see my letter and get us a pedestrian crossing light at this intersection?  It’s not a matter of if it will happen again, it’s a matter of when.

December Foster

