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Problem with recycling changes

Howdy folks: The latest edict from our town and regional district is we can no longer use the clear plastic garbage bags for yard waste. I was made aware of this when I went to purchase my usual supply. The kind lady in the hardware told me that as of the first of July we have to use the brown paper ones.

Howdy folks: The latest edict from our town and regional district is we can no longer use the clear plastic garbage bags for yard waste. I was made aware of this when I went to purchase my usual supply. The kind lady in the hardware told me that as of the first of July we have to use the brown paper ones.

Paper! I exclaimed, but what happens if you put them out the night before and it rains? What do people do if they don’t have a place to keep them out of the weather for two weeks waiting for pickup? Don’t know. Why don’t you check with the town?

I called the town and spoke to another nice lady and I explained my concerns. Oh sir, there is no problem. They use them all over the country and you know how much rain they get at the coast. Reckon I’ll just use ‘em and see what happens. Folks, this is what happens. After sitting with grass clippings in it for just seven days, the bottom of the bag rots and falls out.

I went to our Town Hall and again explained the problem. Well sir, if you put wet grass in the bag what do you expect? I assure you the grass was not wet but green. And ma’am, when green grass sits for any length of time it begins fermenting and a paper bag will not stand up to this. Well sir, if you’re not happy write a letter to the mayor and council. Why don’t you just buy another garbage can? I discussed the garbage can idea with the garbage truck operator after him seeing the useless brown paper bag and agreeing it was stupid idea. He cautioned me about not filling the can as it would be too heavy. I’m on the wrong side of 80 and have no problem lifting it but will abide by his caution. Anyway folks, there it is, be warned.

Herb Moore

