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Smokers leave mess behind

A lot of cigarette butts end up in our water supply. Are there any rights to clean water?

A letter in the Western News on March 29 states that smoking is a constitutional right and to ban smoking on the beach is unethical and immoral. I think tourists would rather have a clean beach than one that they can smoke on.

He goes on to say that smokers do no harm by walking away from non-smokers to have a smoke so as not to bother them. No harm done and everyone is happy. Most of those smokers leave evidence of their constitutional right on the ground. Take a walk anywhere in the city and you will see evidence of smokers’ constitutional rights on the streets, sidewalks, beaches and parks. I clean up smokers’ rights from my lawn every week.

A lot of these butts end up in our water supply. Are there any rights to clean water?

David Baldock

