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Symbolism in eye of beholder

What was the message being sent by the seagull on the chimney of the Sistine Chapel?

Everyone saw the Sistine Chapel seagull sitting on the Sistine chimney shortly before the white smoke billowed out signifying the election of Pope Francis. Birds don’t like smoke. What’s the symbolism?

Noah sent out the raven during the flood to look for dry land. He never came back. No trust. The dove, a symbol of gentleness, was sent and returned. A symbol of trust was also used in Jesus’ time. Why a seagull on the Sistine chimney?

When St. Peter, a simple fisherman, looked down and saw those who were selecting his replacement in their tasseled finery amid all the pomp, dogma and scented in corruption and mistrust, he sent his friend the seagull as a message. The seagull is a thinker with a memory and a symbol of freedom. The message is very simple. If the Conclave of Cardinals was just going to blow smoke, the seagull would do one of his famous numbers on them. It will be extremely interesting to see what the future in Christendom holds.

Joe Schwarz

