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Treatment of seniors shameful

I get tired of reading letters or hearing people treat our seniors like a bunch of withered up, fear-driven old people whose decisions on the prison or any matter holds no merit and their vote and opinion should not be respected.

I get tired of reading letters or hearing people treat our seniors like a bunch of withered up, fear-driven old people whose decisions on the prison or any matter holds no merit and their vote and opinion should not be respected.

Well shame on you. They have lived a lifetime of knowledge, gains, recessions, war and leaner times than any of the spoiled younger generation could even imagine. It is them we should listen to most. They have more knowledge, wisdom and especially foresight of what effects our future.

Unfortunately our society is far too quick to discard and dismiss them as worthless, when in fact there is so much to learn from their lifetime of knowledge. I have spent considerable time in Southeast Asia where elders are treated with utmost respect, where the families never abandon them, but make them the wise figure-head of the family to go to for knowledge or decisions.

The more I went to Asia, the more ashamed I was at the lack of respect westerners have for their seniors. Shame on you, shame on all of us, myself included. Next time a senior offers advise or input, shut up and listen, you may learn something.

Clifford Martin
