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Voters should target co-operation

Is it possible that the Harper government has shown Canadians a way forward, through the next election, to a more representative Parliament, by revealing this policy of strategically targeting specific voter groups?

Is there a way of reducing the hyper-partisan political atmosphere where the interests of our political parties trumps citizens interests? What if, in every federal riding, in this country the voters strategically targeted who would best represent their interests in a Parliament dedicated to a more inclusive, collaborative approach to governing this country?

What if in the next few weeks through nationwide public forums, dedicated websites and blogs, these ideas of reforming our Parliament towards a more direct relation between MPs and their constituents could be discussed prior to the upcoming election.

By voting for candidates who are willing to co-operate with other MPs in Parliament regardless of their party affiliation we may be able to rise above the current political culture that only serves to divide Canadians.

Our present situation may be better served by putting aside partisanship and narrow political self-interest for the benefit of all in our country. Is it possible that at this time in our history we would be better served by a parliamentary culture of collaboration until stronger leaders emerge?

Canadians should not fear the prospect of an election, but welcome the opportunity for positive change that we may gain through the process.

Edward Ecclestone

