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Youth must take an interest

I write these letters to try to appeal to the youth, who can take back your Canada — in a peaceful and democratic way

For our younger citizens, let me demonstrate to you how our constitutional monarchy works and how representational democracy machinations are applied. I am sure some readers are conversant with the procedures and results, so I quite understand if you read no further.

As long as a great number of eligible voters refuse to vote, our governments, at all levels, will remain broken. I’ve demonstrated that with the B.C. HST vote — 29 per cent of the unelected B.C. population effectively control the B.C. budget.

In the last federal election there were 24,257,572 citizens eligible to vote, while only 14,823,408 voted — a 61.1 per cent turnout — one of the all-time lows. The Harper government won the election with 167 of 308 seats — thus ending up with 54 per cent of the seats, not a great majority, but a majority nonetheless. Of the 14,823,408 votes cast, the Harper government won 5,835,269 votes — or 39.62 per cent of the popular vote. Now it is apparent that there’s something amiss with the system.

Of the 24,257,592 eligible voters, the Harper government received 5,835,269 — or 24 per cent of eligible votes … yet has absolute power. Hear any debating in the House of Commons lately?

This means that 76 per cent of the population voted for other parties, didn’t vote, or just didn’t care. It seems to me that this system is broken and perhaps a redistribution of seats based on population density should be considered. There is always a better way.

I write these letters to try to appeal to the youth, who can take back your Canada — in a peaceful and democratic way. Demonstrate, by all means, but do not let your efforts be wasted by masked hooligans and people who just want to party … they will never add to your credibility. Do not allow these people in your company.

How you could have changed the priorities of your government had you organized, prioritized expenditures and voted in the last federal election. Think about it.

And if you get a chance soon to vote in a byelection, please express yourself by doing so.

Patrick MacDonald

