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Police chase military tank down U.S. streets

Police chase military tank down U.S. streets

A soldier allegedly stole an armoured vehicle from a military base in Virginia
Cheesy chicken hearts, calf testicles coming to Calgary Stampede

Cheesy chicken hearts, calf testicles coming to Calgary Stampede

This year’s Stampede runs 10 days from July 6 to 15
Fashion designer Kate Spade dies at 55

Fashion designer Kate Spade dies at 55

Kate leaves behind her husband, Andy, and 13-year-old daughter Frances Beatrix Spade
VIDEO: Deer and rabbit frolic in B.C. park

VIDEO: Deer and rabbit frolic in B.C. park

Bambi and Thumper play in a Comox greenspace
Miss America drops swimsuit portion and won’t judge on looks

Miss America drops swimsuit portion and won’t judge on looks

Pageant began nearly 100 years ago as bathing beauty contest to keep tourists coming back to resort
Bend and snap, Legally Blonde is back

Bend and snap, Legally Blonde is back

It’s confirmed Reese Whitherspoon will star in Legally Blonde 3
REPLAY: B.C. this week in video

REPLAY: B.C. this week in video

In case you missed it, here’s a look at replay-worthy highlights from across the province this week
Chicken safely crosses busy B.C. highway with help of Good Samaritan, police

Chicken safely crosses busy B.C. highway with help of Good Samaritan, police

Video shows the chicken on Highway 99 just before the George Massey Tunnel Saturday
Handful of tickets in B.C. won $1M, but $60M Lotto Max jackpot unclaimed

Handful of tickets in B.C. won $1M, but $60M Lotto Max jackpot unclaimed

Winning Maxmillion prizes were sold across British Columbia
This is one big Buff Cat

This is one big Buff Cat

Large Canadian cat becomes popular meme on social media