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Letter: Total disconnect between Penticton City and citizens

City saw how many upset with South Main bike lane, utility increase and still they go ahead

Dear editor:

Many of us just received our Shape Your City update that included utility rates and the Lake to Lake South Main barriers.

Check out the increases to your home’s utility budget. Staggering.

Then check out the statement: “As a result of the feedback collected, the staff made the following adjustments to the South Main bike lane design.”

Collected from where? Rallies in front of City Hall? There was a meeting at the Seniors Centre on South Main on July 17th. At that meeting the few people that were in favor of the plan, in any form presented, were paid employees of the city. City presenters saw how upset people were.

Citizens Against Barriers have collected over 2,400 signatures wanting South Main to stay as is. Letters to the editor against this design and the waste of money, filled editions for months.

Did our Mayor pay for another private poll to OKspending more money on more re designs on re designs?

In this relationship between the city and the citizens I think our engagement is off?

Lynn Crassweller
