A new display out front a residence in Keremeos has proven to be spark of positivity amid uncertain times.
A group of reveling mannequins dressed in ball gowns with glasses half full of local “fruit of the vine” stand on the balcony of the residence.
“It has been sung that girls just want to have fun, and such is the case of the gals on Upper Bench Rd. in Keremeos,” said Keremeos resident Diane McDonald in a letter to the Review.
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McDonald said those who have driven past the display have honked, and others have shared positive comments expressing their appreciation of the “joyful atmosphere” the mannequins have created.
The “gals on Upper Bench Rd.” however are not encouraging social gatherings, and McDonald was sure to arrange them in a way that respected current COVID-19 restrictions.
McDonald described her girls as “quietly demure damsels, partying quietly, while respecting social distance guidelines.”
Know of a feel-good community story? Email us: editor@pentictonwesternnews.com.
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