A registered child sex offender from Osoyoos was back in Penticton Provincial Court this week to be sentenced to 114 days in jail for possessing child pornography.
Shawn Titus, 39, was given jail time and a three-year probation and 10-year Section 161 sex offence prohibition restricting him from attending public places where children under 16 will be and prohibiting him from volunteering or having a job where children under 16 will be.
Titus was arrested at a motel in Osoyoos on May 21, 2020 after RCMP received a report that an internet account from Osoyoos was accessing child pornography.
In 2018, Titus was convicted and sentenced to two years in jail for sexually abusing an 11-year-old boy from Osoyoos. The court learned that he met the boy at a local recreation centre in 2016.
While out on bail awaiting his trial, Titus was put back in jail for breaching his bail conditions which included talking inappropriately with underage girls at the Osoyoos recreational pool and drinking at a Penticton park.
He is on the sex offender registry for 20 years and is banned from being around places where children are for 10 years.
READ MORE: Osoyoos child sex offender arrested for child porn
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