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Candidate shows independence

Too many MLAs govern to be re-elected rather than to be re-elected because you governed properly

Mr. Cummings, you’re amazing or just plain stupid. Now you do not have a candidate for the Boundary-Similkameen to represent the Conservatives in this election. You must know that this riding has been conservative in the past, and you seem to have deliberately given all those votes to the Liberals or NDP.

The question now is: Who do we want a our MLA? We have five choices.

A puppet from the Liberal party who has to follow their rules to the T.

Another puppet from the NDP, who have their own rules that have to be closely followed.

The Green party, who would not know what rules to follow.

We have two oindependent candidates, one who doesn’t want to be elected, and is just wasting everyone’s time and their vote.

Then there’s Mischa Popoff, who would have gladly represented us as a Conservative candidate, and would have stood up for the people’s rights, but paid the price by being ousted from the Conservative party. Mischa has a mind of his own and is prepared to stand by what is best for the voters.

We are tired of having an MLA that is only there to support the ruling party with their vote, and not caring or giving consideration about the voters and their families, just interested in the almighty dollar, and to govern to be re-elected rather than to be re-elected because you governed properly.

On May 14 let us vote for an “independent” person who will represent us, the people of this riding, and not have to be a puppet of any party. In this election, the way it is going, Mischa could possibly end up with the balance of power.

Ray Vandenberg & Jean Clarke
