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Chemtrails are a fact, not an opinion

It’s obvious if you look up once in a while. Too many people are looking down these days, too busy fingering their phones to see.

After a tabloid-style headline, “Websites reveal the shocking truth about chemtrails,” the editor added a note to the tail end, saying: the above are opinions and not necessarily facts.

This is as curious as it is spurious.

Does Joe Schwarz’s doggy do-do complaint not require the same full-disclosure?  Fortis flaunts the Charter, says Mr. Robertson.  B.C. could become like Detroit, says Mr. Thomsen.  Not facts.

Mere opinions.

And yet, only a fool would ignore Suzie Anderson’s well-written letter regarding chemtrails.

There was much important info.  She was clear and concise; her citations thorough.  She was candid with her personal realizations.

She posed important questions that should be openly discussed by all enlightened people, now.  And the urgency of her warning was dire without being hyperbolic.

Whereas, I would shout expletives!  Damn those geo-engineers!

Some days, I have seen the sky and been so shocked, I’ve stopped strangers in the street, pointing to the long, white lines, back and forth, as they spread across our big, blue Okanagan sky that soon becomes milky and pale.  What the heck?

Surely, something wicked this way falls!

It’s obvious if you look up once in a while. Too many people are looking down these days, too busy fingering their phones to see.

Then, there are people like Paul (get-a-life) Crossley; foolish people who seem to believe the government loves us and would never, ever do us any harm.

They often get a government cheque, however.

So, in spite of much evidence, they’ll hope the government wouldn’t allow the spraying of us with stuff that will make us dumb as animals, or the chipping away at our charter rights, or the leading us into financial ruin, etc.

As with your dog: if you point to a chemtrail, your dog will look at your finger, not at the chemtrail.  Same with dumb people.

So, thank you, Suzie Anderson, on behalf of many I‘m sure.

It’s good to hear the truth well told.  You’re awake, you have heart, and you write like a pro.  In my opinion.

Geoff Burton
