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Editorial: Don't let life get in the way of thanks

Lots of examples of generosity right here in Penticton

Life has a habit of getting in the way, of reminding us just how precious our time is, of keeping us overly preoccupied with living from day to day.

But Thanksgiving weekend is the perfect time to take stock, to take a look around and count all of our good fortunes.

We have many.

To start with, despite the best efforts of some politicians, we still live in the very best province in the very best country.

Consider our health care system.  It may not be perfect, but we have one, and there are few of us who can say they have gone through life without a little help from the health-care system.

We may not like the way our health-care system is run, but there are worse systems, and there are many people without access to health care.

Then there are our neighbours to the south.

They’ve been held hostage by their own government for close to two weeks over publicly-funded health care.

Thanksgiving is also a time to share our bounty with others.

What better place than the Okanagan Valley.

What better time than fall in the valley, when there is an abundance of food from local farms.

Home Hardware hosted a cooking demonstration Saturday, then donated the food to a family in need.

Sunday, the folks at the Soupateria opened their doors to hundreds of folks looking for a hearty meal.

Sometimes life gets in the way, but we still have plenty to be thankful for.

The next time life gets in the way, just look around to see how fortunate you are.