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Jobs being lost

Stephen Harper constantly raves that he’s all about jobs, yet every day we seem to hear that he’s firing people

Yet another stink bomb from the Harper regime: it recently emerged that in the wake of the Eliott Lake rescue fiasco, the Harperites are actually cutting federal support for urban heavy rescue programs. That’s in addition to the news that another eight full-time Revenue Canada jobs are soon to be cut in Penticton.

I don’t get it. Harper constantly raves that he’s all about jobs, yet every day we seem to hear that he’s firing people. I guess the jobs he has in mind will be beach-cleaning when one of his bitumen tankers runs aground off Kitimat.

Does any of this matter? The Liberal Party of Canada believes we can have development along with government services and environmental protection.

What do you care about? Is it jobs and the economy, transparent government, financial security for seniors, health care, protecting the environment, the disappearing middle class or something else?

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Bob Nicholson

