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Letter: Disrespectful of the court system

I cannot recall another instance where the prime minister of Canada has interceded to such an extent

Did any of Canada’s Parliamentary ministers attend at the Boushie Supreme Court trial?

Our prime minister, the supposed leader of our country, along with many senior ministers of our highest and most senior government together, and openly, have shown complete and total disrespect for the Supreme Court of Canada without any first-hand knowledge of what they condemn.

Given the forgoing, how is any self-respecting Canadian to maintain respect for Canada’s Supreme Court system given the leadership that has been recently shown?

Pandering to a family who are in disagreement with a Supreme Court decision, simply due to said family’s racial heritage, is plainly unacceptable. This performance along with the media releases from some senior Parliamentarians shows total and unabashed disrespect for not only the Supreme Court itself but for the accused (and acquitted white) man, and the members of the duly appointed jury, who have given freely of their valuable time in service of their country.

If this family is in disagreement with the outcome of a certain trial, do they not have the same access to the appeals process as any other Canadian family would have?

In my memory, I cannot recall another instance where the prime minister of Canada has interceded to such an extent with and for any family who found themselves in disagreement with a Canadian Supreme Court decision.

At the end of the day, rather than being so totally disrespectful to the Supreme Court system, are not these self same Parliamentarians, the only persons in Canada who have the means to alter a system that they feel so strongly is not functioning in every citizen’s best interest?

Tom Crawford
