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LETTER: Every life is important

On June 23 I witnessed a horrific and heartbreaking incident in Penticton.

On June 23 I witnessed a horrific and heartbreaking incident. At approximately 3:40 p.m., just past the channel bridge west bound, a family of young ducks crossed the highway and were slaughtered before my eyes. I saw them eating by the side of the road before they tried to cross.

I was totally helpless to try to stop what was about to happen. That is the worst feeling in the world. I don’t believe the motorist’s purposely ran over the ducks, I prefer to believe in the positive. However, when the first duck was hit, the vehicle did slow down and I believe they did see the ducks. Other vehicles sped past as one poor duck was flying for his life under the speeding vehicle. Others where savagely squashed one by one. This is the worst carnage I’ve had to witness and hope and pray it is the last. In the horror of the situation, not one motorist stopped. How cold, callous and unfeeling can people be toward a life. I can’t imagine accidentally running over anything and not stopping to assess the damage, or see if there is anything to be done. What if it had been a person, a dog, a child or any other living thing that frequents the channel? What if it was myself being hit and flung to the side of the road like my life doesn’t matter?

I pray that the motorists’ responsible will come to realize how cowardly and heartless their actions were and change. I suspect it was not just this particular act, but that is how they conduct the rest of their lives as well. I’ve always believed in standing up for right. What better time to take a stand for justice  for living, breathing lives that cannot speak for themselves. Perhaps whoever reads this letter, will  get the courage to stand up for justice and right in their lives and community. The Bible says, “overcome evil with good” These days we live in are extremely evil and we only have one “life” who has overcome evil permanently. It is up to us to take a stand for good in all areas of life. Every life is important.

Hannah Pierce
