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Letter: Organizer concerned by councillor comments

Invitation extended for Picton to lend a hand

Concerned by councillor


I represent “Monday Night Dinners at Nanaimo Square.” With my volunteers, we provide a home cooked meal for our less fortunate villagers every Monday eve. We also provide toiletries, feminine hygiene products and warm clothing in the winter. We would not be able to do this without the support of those who donate items. At the moment we need socks, toothbrushes, travel size or hotel toiletries, canned beans and tomatoes

I’d also like to take the time to express how disgusted I am with comments made by Max Picton about the people we feed and provide for.

I’d like to extend an invitation to Max to come and help one Monday night and meet and help feed these “animals” as he so tactfully put it. Id also like to express my disappointment that no one sitting at that table with him had the spine to speak out against Max’s comments. Shame on all of you. These are our neighbours, our villagers, our brothers and sisters. I have more respect for the people I feed than someone who would kick someone while they are down, as Max Picton did.

Kristine Lee
