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LETTER: Summerland hero has weight loss story

Man lost 145 lbs. in three years
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Dear Editor:

Met a real life hero on Giant’s Head hiking trail.

It is not every day that one gets to personally meet a hero.

READ ALSO: $1.68M in trail improvements coming to Giant’s Head Mountain in Summerland

READ ALSO: Funding approved to improve trails in Summerland

This youngish father of four coming off the steep part of Giant’s Head Mountain Park engaged me in conversation about other trails he wanted to hike. During this, I learned that he had lost 145 pounds over the last three years.

Personally, I have lost 50, but to lose three times that, he needed a personal drive and commitment over an extended time to accomplish this that few have and should serve as an inspiration to others.

At one time he needed serious pain killers to just casually walk any distance.

Wow, I was proud to have met him and gladly shook his hand.

I believe that we in Summerland have many heroes and lots of really good people that make this community what it is. Thank you all of Summerland for being kind, friendly and good neighbours.

John Davies


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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