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LETTERS: Stamping on city’s idea

I read that the city (mayor and council) is calling for artwork that expresses the theme ‘vibrant winter.’

I read that the city (mayor and council) is calling for artwork that expresses the theme ‘vibrant winter.’

The mayor is quoted as saying:  “Penticton is truly a four-season destination. Having cards that reflect the beauty of our region in the winter is a great way to personalize seasonal greetings and showcase our creative community.”

All very good and commendable. The article I read then went on to say: “Once the artists are selected, the city will prepare the cards to be sent in December to community organizations and stakeholders.”

If I was a betting person, I would bet dollars to donuts that every single community organization and stakeholder that will receive a card from mayor and council will have an email address.

So please tell me why, if I want to receive my city electricity bill via Canada Post, I must pay for the stamp. But the city has stamp money for sending cards to community organizations and stakeholders.

We were told the city can no longer afford stamps for electricity bills and so it downloaded the cost onto the individuals who cannot/choose not to receive their bills via email.  I suggest the city look into sending their cards via email, this would save them a lot more money than just the stamps.

Andrina Iliffe
