A day after the Kelowna Chamber called for more money to help prevent invasive mussels in Okanagan lakes, the federal government has responded with funding.
On Feb. 15, the Department of Fisheries, Oceans (DFO) and the Canadian Coast Guard announced funding up to $540,000 until 2025 for the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF).
A news release explains that the money will support ongoing work by the provincial government’s Invasive Mussel Defense Program (IMDP) to prevent the introduction of Zebra and Quagga Mussels in B.C.
On Feb. 14, the Kelowna Chamber, backed by other chambers throughout the Thompson-Okanagan, sent a letter requesting more funding to the province and federal governments.
READ MORE: Kelowna Chamber leads regional push to keep invasive mussels out of B.C.
The Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB), which has long petitioned for more funding for preventative measures to keep invasive mussels from entering B.C., sent its own letter to the federal government on Jan. 18.
READ MORE: Okanagan water board fears funding cuts to Invasive Mussel Program
In May 2023, the DFO announced $8.75 million in contribution funding over five years as part of the newly created Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Fund (AISPF).
The DFO is also investing $90,000 in two new decontamination trailers in B.C. that will educate the public on the importance of cleaning, draining, and drying watercraft before moving between bodies of water to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.
READ MORE: Okanagan water board need not be lone voice on invasive mussel threat