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School vandalism a hard hit to district pocketbook

Labour costs to fix the work of vandals at local schools hit $28,000 in 2012.

RDOS overhauls website

It’s hoped the Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District’s newly redesigned website will attract more eyeballs than its predecessor.
Friend donates gift of life to Penticton man

Friend donates gift of life to Penticton man

Three simple words sum up what the gift of a kidney from a good friend means to a Penticton man.
Driver pinned in vehicle following collision with truck

Driver pinned in vehicle following collision with truck

The lone occupant of a car was taken to Kelowna General Hospital with undetermined injuries following a collision Tuesday.

Male guilty of manslaughter breaches conditions

Penticton man who pled guilty to manslaughter in the 2008 stabbing death of a man at Skaha Lake beach was back in court for breach.

Penticton drawing economic weight from the Continental Cup

World Financial Group Continental Cup expected to bring $4 to $5 million of economic benefit to Penticton.
Okanagan Idle No More movement heads to border

Okanagan Idle No More movement heads to border

Nearly 100 people turned out on a snowy afternoon at the Osoyoos border crossing last Saturday to take part in the movement’s latest event

Penticton council raises backyard chicken trial

By this summer, some Pentictonites could be waking up to the sounds of chickens clucking and fresh eggs for breakfast.

Status quo for school calendar for next year

Even with more latitude for school districts to set a non-traditional calendar, teachers’ contracts wont allow for much change.
Pipe Club marching to the beat of its own drum

Pipe Club marching to the beat of its own drum

World’s top curlers will be ushered into opening ceremonies of Continental Cup by a very special group of Penticton musicians.